Luke Bryan Debuts Romantic New 'Down To One' Music Video

Luke Bryan Debuts Romantic New 'Down To One' Music Video

Luke Bryan released the new music video for his latest single, "Down To One" on Monday (February 1).

The video, directed by Michael Monaco, brings a young couple's love story to life through various romantic scenes, including a moonlit walk in the summertime and strolls on a beach. Bryan is also featured throughout the clip singing the song in a wide-open field. "A hot summer night like this never gets old," the country star wrote alongside the clip which premiered on Facebook.

"We were down to 1 AM/ Listening to one more song/ Thinking I want more than just one night out here with you alone/ Down to that last Bud Light in the back of that two-tone, half-ton/ My heart was telling me that one more kiss and I’d be done/ Down to one hand in mine/ Down to one beautiful smile/ I was done with the girl I want/ Straight falling in love/ Right there that night/ Down to one," Bryan sings on the chorus.

"Down To One" was named Bryan's new single in October, following his 25th consecutive No.1, "One Margarita." The song, written by Dallas Davidson, Justin Ebach, and Kyle Fishman, appears on his latest album, Born Here, Live Here, Die Here.

"This is one that keeps coming up as a favorite from so many fans since I released this album,” Bryan previously explained in a statement. "From the first time I heard this song I could not get it out of my head. The melody just roped me in. Excited to officially have it as my next single."

Fans can watch the brand new "Down To One" music video here!

Photo: Getty Images

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